Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*HOT* New Coca-Cola Coupons = Just $1.48 Each for 6 pk Bottles or 8 pk Cans!

by Christie Bisbee on December 2, 2015

Coke CouponsWow! We have some awesome new Coca-Cola coupons available to print today! Plus, we have a monthly points deal on Coke products that we can combine for a great deal on .5L bottles and mini-cans at Walgreens. There are two different coupons you can print for this deal, both manufacturer’s coupons. It’s SUPER rare to see coupons for Coke products so grab these ASAP as I don’t anticipate they’ll be around long.

Printing Tip: Go HERE and then change your zip to 97504. Then click back HERE and it should pull right up for you. Repeat the process to grab two additional prints at 98408. Enjoy!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/26)
Buy (4) Coca-Cola 6 pk, .5L bottles or 8pk, 7.5oz cans 2/$5 Sale Price
Total = $10
(1) $2/3 Coca-Cola 6 pk .5L, 8 pk 7.5oz, or 8 pk 12oz (Mix & Match) (97504)
OR (1) $2/3 Coca-Cola 6 pk .5L, 8 pk 7.5oz, or 8 pk 12oz (Mix & Match) (98408)
Total = $8, Get Back $2 (2,000 Balance Rewards Points) + 100 EveryDay Points
= $1.48 Each

That’s like paying under 19¢ a mini can or under 25¢ a bottle!

Looking for more Coca-Cola coupons? Here are a few more I spotted.

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