Do you love Simple cleansers? If you do, then I have a great deal for you! This week Simple Cleansers are on sale for B1G1 free. Combine that sale price with the $2/1 coupon and the everyday points that you will earn, and you pay $2.62 per cleanser (Reg. $7.29).
If you need another coupon because you do not have the $2/1 coupon, there is a $1/1 Simple Skin Care printable coupon available. Or you can use the printable to get wipes for the same price.
Walgreens Deals (thru 10/24)
Buy (2) Simple Cleansers, $7.29 B1G1 Free
(1) $2/1 Simple Moisturizer or Cleanser (exc wipes) exp. 10/25/15 (RP 09/27/15)
Total = $5.29, Get Back 70 Everyday Points
= $2.62 each
Buy (2) Simple Wipes, Various $6.29 B1G1 Free
(1) $1/1 Simple Skin Care printable coupon
Total = $5.29, Get Back 60 Everyday Points
= $2.62 each

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