Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Puffs Just 74¢ a Box at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on October 22, 2015

Puffs couponsAre you running out of tissues? Check out this deal on Puffs tissues. Puffs tissues are on sale for 99¢ per box and match with a printable 25¢/1 Puffs Product coupon. So, the total cost is only 74¢ per box. I particularly like the Puffs with Lotion, especially when you have a cold!

When you click on the link to print the coupon, it should bring you directly to the coupon. If for some reason it doesn’t, be sure to change your zip code to 68130.

Walgreens Deals (thru 10/24)
Buy (1) Puffs 99¢ Sale Price
25¢/1 Puffs Product (ets & Puffs To-Go) (68130)
Total = 74¢ Sale Price

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