Walgreens Coupons & Deals

CeraVe Products Starting at $2.19 (69% Off!)

by Christie Bisbee on October 20, 2015

Cerave CouponsLook at these great high value CeraVe printable coupons that match up with the current sale on the CeraVe cleansers! With the B1G1 50% off sale and these wonderful coupons, you can get CeraVe products staring at $2.19 (Reg. $6.99). You can pick up the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser for $5.16 per bottle. That’s a savings of $5.83 per bottle. Or you can also get the CeraVe SA Cleanser for $6.04 per bottle. That’s a savings of $7.45 per bottle.

Cerave CouponsWalgreens Deals (Thru 10/24)
Buy (2) Cerave Hydrating Cleanser Bars, $6.99 B1G1 50% off
(2) $3/1 CeraVe product (ets & sunscreen)
Total = $4.48, Get Back 100 Everyday Points
= $2.19 each (or 69% off the regular price)

Buy (2) CeraVe Hydrating Cleansers 6oz, $10.99 B1G1 50% off
(2) $3/1 CeraVe product (ets & sunscreen)
Total = $10.48, Get Back 160 Everyday Points
= $5.16 each (or 53% off regular price)

Buy (2) CeraVe SA Cleanser 6oz, $13.49 B1G1 50% off
(2) $4/1 CeraVe SA Cleanser, Serum or Night Cream
Total = $12.23, Get Back 160 Everyday Points
= $6.04 each (or 55% off regular price)

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