Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Skittles Just 44¢ with New Coupon!

by Christie Bisbee on September 12, 2015

Skittles CouponWe have a new Skittles candy coupon available to print today! This really will come in handy tomorrow when Skittles will go on sale for just 69¢ each making them only 44¢ after the coupon. To get this coupon just head on over HERE, if it doesn’t pull right up for you change your zip code to 90210, then click back on this link to pull it right up to the top. 😉

Walgreens Deals (Starting 9/13)
Buy (2) Skittles 2.17oz 69¢ each
$0.50 on any TWO (2) flavors of Skittles candies (2.17oz.) (90210)
Total = Just 44¢ Each!

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Cindy September 16, 2015 at 11:43 am

I was wondering what is the policy for Walgreens when a coupon has another store’s name on it, like the Skittles above do. I live in Colorado and the coupon prints with Albertsons on it and my Walgreens tells me they will not take ANY coupon if it has the name of another store on it.
Coupons.com has a lot of coupons that show the name of a store often with the words redeemable at, or available at and then the name of the store. I notice all couponing sites use these as match-ups for other stores.
Is there a set policy and is there anything I can get in writing to show the store manager?



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