Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Barilla Pasta Coupons & Walgreens Sale!

by Christie Bisbee on August 9, 2015

Barilla Pasta CouponWe have new Barilla Pasta coupons available to print today! The Barilla Spaghetti and Penne pastas are on sale this month at Walgreens thru 8/29 for $1.29 each. We also have an ibotta offer available for 20¢ any pasta, so 98¢ a box after the coupon. Check your ibotta offer for an expiration – mine was 8/11 but this can vary by user.

If you are looking to spend some points or have some expiring Register Rewards, groceries is always a good choice! The Barilla Pasta coupons usually don’t last long so grab this one if you are interested. Note: a large ad prints above the coupon, so select a second coupon to go along with it to avoid this.

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/29)
Buy (2) Barilla Pasta $1.29 each
$1.00 when you buy any FOUR (4) boxes of Barilla Blue Box Pasta (68130)
Total = $4.16, Get Back 50 Everyday Points
Get Back 20¢ ibotta offer (check your app for expiration)
= 98¢ Each

Savings Tip: Also a CVS shopper? These are on sale for $1 at CVS, so only 70¢ each after the coupon and ibotta! You can see that deal on my other blog WildforCVS.

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