If you received the high value L’Oreal Advanced coupons in your 6/14 RedPlum inserts, you can get these for only 97¢ at Walgreens. The shampoo, conditioner and stylers are on sale for $3.99 this week. In addition to the insert coupon we have a Walgreens coupon in the Walgreens July Coupon Book. That makes these only 97¢ after the coupon stack and everyday points.
Walgreens Deals (thru 7/4)
Buy (1) L’Oréal Advanced HairCare Shampoo or Conditioner, 12.6oz $3.99 Sale Price
(1) $2/1 L’Oreal Advanced Haircare Shampoo or Conditioner (RP 06/14/15)
(1) $1/1 L’Oréal Advanced Hair Care & Styling (5128), July Coupon Book
Total = 99¢, Get Back 20 Everyday Points
= Just 97¢
Buy (1) L’Oréal Advanced HairStyle product, $3.99 Sale Price
(1) $2/1 L’Oreal Advanced Hairstyle Product (RP 06/14/15)
(1) $1/1 L’Oréal Advanced Hair Care & Styling (5128), July Coupon Book
Total = 99¢, Get Back Everyday Points
= Just 97¢

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