Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Orajel Bubble Guppies Toothpaste 77¢ Each!

by Christie- on June 13, 2015

Orajel Bubble Guppies Toothpaste 77¢ Each!Right now thru 6/27 you can grab a nice deal on Orajel Bubble Guppies toothpaste. These are regularly priced at $2.79 each, plus we have an Orajel product coupon we can use. In addition, you’ll earn $2 (2,000 Balance Rewards Points) when you buy two. Your final price will be 77¢ per tube when you buy (2) tubes.

Walgreens Deals (thru 6/27)
Buy (2) Orajel Bubble Guppies, 4.2oz, $2.79 Reg. Price
(2) $1/1 Orajel Product
Total = $3.58, Get Back $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points) for buying two + 50 Everyday points
= $1.53 or 77¢ per tube!

Drug Store Savings Tip: Don’t forget you can also get Crest toothbrushes for kids for just 85¢ thru the end of this month. You can check out that deal HERE.

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