Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Coppertone Coupon – Starting at $2.29!

by Christie- on June 1, 2015

New Coppertone Coupons = Deals As Low As $1.24!

A new Coppertone coupon popped up! It prints with an expiration date of 6/29, and it’s good on any two Coppertone sunscreen products 2 oz or larger!

$3.00 off any two (2) Coppertone Sunscreen Products (2oz and larger) (68130)

You can grab a great deal on the 3 oz Travel Size tubes. There are quite a few varieties to choose from like the Sport SPF 30, Kids SPF 50, and Water Babies SPF 50. Look for these on a special display perpendicular to an endcap by the personal care sections. These are regular price so you can grab this deal for as long as the coupon is valid. I can never have enough Sunscreen this time of year.

Walgreens Deals (Regular Price)
Buy (2) Coppertone Sunscreens, 3 oz, $3.79 Reg. Price
$3.00 off any two (2) Coppertone Sunscreen Products (2oz and larger) (68130)
Total = $4.58 or $2.29 EACH!

If you need lots of sunscreen, Coppertone will be on sale next week B1G1 50% off…

Walgreens Deals (Starting 6/7)
Buy (2) Coppertone Sunscreen products, psa $9.79 B1G1 50% off
$3.00 off any two (2) Coppertone Sunscreen Products (2oz and larger) (68130)
Total = $5.85 EACH

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