Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Vaseline Lip Therapy 92¢ Each – No Coupons Needed!

by Christie- on May 18, 2015

Vaseline lip dealsThere’s a monthly deal on various Vaseline products at Walgreens. You’ll earn $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy two participating products, including the Vaseline Lip Therapy tiny jars. However, be sure to grab this deal this week! Vaseline products are on sale buy one get one 50% off. I found these tiny jars for $1.89, though your price may vary slightly

I found four different ones to choose from: Original, Rosy Lips, Cocoa Butter, and the newest – Creme Brulée! The Rosy lips leaves behind a sheer tint.

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/23)
Buy (2) Vaseline Lip Therapy, .25oz, $1.89 B1G1 50% off
Total = $2.83, Get Back $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points)
= $1.83 or 92¢ EACH!

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