Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Save Over 50% on Scotch Brite Sponges!

by Christie- on May 16, 2015

Scotch brite dealsScotch Brite Multipack Sponges are on sale this month for buy one get one free. There is Scotch Brite product coupon from the Smartsource last month that you can use. On the shelf, I found the 3 pack sponges labeled for this sale. Perpendicular to the endcap I found a special display with 4 sponges per package. On the display I also found the Heavy Duty (green) and the Non-Scratch sponges (blue). Both of these 4 packs are the same price as the 3 packs and rang up B1G1 Free! If you find these bonus packages, you’ll be paying just 44¢ per sponge 🙂 .

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/30)
Buy (4) Scotch Brite 3pk (But look for Bonus 4pk), $3.99 B1G1 Free
(1) $1/2 Sotch Brite Products, exp. 5/31/15 (SS 4/26/15)
Total = $6.98
= $1.75 per Multipack

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