Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Kiddylicious Banana Bites 35¢ at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on April 28, 2015

Kiddylicious BitesUPDATE: Great News! These will be 35¢ thru 5/6, since this offer is in the Checkout 51 preview that will start Thursday!

If you have little ones, here’s a great deal for you. Right now you can get Kiddylicious Banana Bite snacks for just 35¢ a bag at Walgreens. No coupons needed! These are on sale for 2/$1.49 thru 5/30. Plus we have a Checkout51 offer for 40¢ back on each bag, up to (4) bags. Once you buy (2), any additional bags you purchase will ring up at 74¢ each so you can buy (2), (3) or (4) at this price. These snacks are for little ones 12 months and up. Although I have to say banana bites sound pretty tasty to me too. 😉

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/6)
Buy (2) Kiddylicious Banana Bites 2/$1.49
Get Back 80¢ from Checkout51
= Just 35¢ a Bag!

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