Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Ocuvite Just $2.12 Each (Reg. $11.49)!

by Christie- on February 20, 2015

Ocuvite 3If you want to take care of your eyes, you can grab some Ocuvite vitamins this week. These are on sale B1G1 50% off, plus you’ll earn $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy two. I found a smaller box of 30 Eye Health Formula in the eye section (by the Visine) that’s included in this deal.

The regular price of these is $11.49.Use the high value insert coupon from the Smartsource in early February, and you’ll save 82% off the regular price. Please note the Walgreens Coupon from the Vitamins & Supplements book does not apply to this smaller bottle.

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/21)
Buy (2) Ocuvite Eye Health Formula, 30ct, $11.49 B1G1 50% off
(2) $5/1 Bausch+Lomb Ocuvite Product, exp. 2/28/15 (SS 01/11/15 #2)
Total = $7.23, Get Back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points)
= $4.23 or $2.12 EACH!

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