Today (1/3) is the last day is offering 15% off both regular & Sale Price items! Just go HERE and put in the code CHEERS15 at checkout. This is a great way to pick up some items that don’t have coupons without even leaving the house.
Plus, remember you’ll get FREE shipping if you spend $25+. If the items you want to buy don’t equal $25 you can always throw in a $25 Walgreens gift card to get the free shipping and just use the gift card in store for your out of pocket expenses.
You can get nice deals on Purex detergent and Purex Crystals
this week with this offer. These are B1G1 Free and you’ll get the extra 15% off on-line. That makes the Purex Detergent just $2.54 each. There’s a limit of (3) of each but you can mix and match to get the B1G1 offer. The Purex Crystals are just $2.76 each after the code. Just go HERE to check it out.

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