Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Band-Aid Coupon for 13¢ Cartoon Character Boxes!

by Christie- on December 16, 2014

New Band-Aid Coupon for 13¢ Character Boxes!Woo Hoo! Remember I posted this deal earlier? It just got better! A new coupon popped up for $1.50 off two Band-Aid First Aid Products!  Hurry and grab it now and you’ll be able to grab Band-Aids for Kids for just 13¢ per box.

The monthly points deal and this week’s sale price are working on the character bandages. You’ll get $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy two for $5 thru 12/27, but this week, these are also ringing up B1G1 50% off! There’s also a coupon available HERE, so you’ll have until Saturday to grab two boxes for 75¢.

Cartoon Character Band-Aids Just 38¢ Each!Walgreens Deals (thru 12/20)
Buy (2) Band-Aid Cartoon Characters, 20ct, 2/$5 B1G1 50% off
Total = $3.75
(1) $1.50 on any (2) BAND-AID Brand of First Aid products (ets & kits) (68130)
Total = $2.25, Get Back $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points)
= 25¢ or 13¢ EACH!

Cartoon Character Band-Aids Just 38¢ Each!

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