Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Emergen-C Kidz Just $1.62 Each!

by Christie- on December 14, 2014

Emergen-C Kidz Just $1.62 Each!Here’s something really useful you can get for your kids thru 12/27. The Emergen-C Kidz 10 packet boxes are on sale B1G1 50% off. Plus, there was a manufacturer coupon in last weekend’s Redplum insert and a Walgreens Coupon in the Answers at Walgreens: Pediatric Care booklet. These are $5.49 regular price. So after the two coupons and the sale, you can grab them for only $1.62 each or about 70% off!

If you don’t find them in the children’s medicine section, be sure and look for a special display by the endcaps.

Walgreens Deals (thru 12/27)
Buy (2) Emergen-C Kidz, 10ct, $5.49 B1G1 50% off
Total = $8.23
(1) $1 off Emergen-C Kidz Powder Packs, 10pk (5832), exp. 10/1/15, Answers at Walgreens: Pediatric Care [-$2]
(2) $1.50/1 Emergen-C Vitamin Supplement Drink Mix 10ct (RP 12/07/14)
= $1.62 EACH!

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