Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Pond’s Products As Low As $1.70 Each!

by Christie Bisbee on December 11, 2014

PondsIf you use Pond’s products, we have a really nice deal this week. These are B1G1 Free plus you can find a Pond’s coupon HERE. It’s on the Target site, but it is a manufacturer coupon that can be used anywhere. You can get Pond’s Cold cream for as low as $1.70 and Pond’s wipes for just $2.39 each.

Walgreens Deals (thru 12/13)
Buy (2) Pond’s Cold cream, $4.39 B1G1 FREE
(1) $1/1 Pond’s Item 
= Just $1.70 EACH!

Buy (2) Ponds Wipes, $5.79 B1G1 FREE
(1) $1/1 Pond’s Item 
= Just $2.39 EACH!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Michele December 11, 2014 at 7:39 pm

I just tried using the coupon and it wouldn’t scan, the cashier said because it has the target logo they couldn’t take it, but I explained that it was a manufacturer coupon and she still said no. What do I need to show them, their store policy maybe, so that I can use those coupons? Thanks!


Christie Hardcastle December 11, 2014 at 8:01 pm

It probably didn’t scan just because the scanners at Walgreens are moody. Honestly – it has nothing to do with the Target logo. The issue isn’t really addressed in their policy. So it doesn’t state that they will or won’t take them. They will however, get reimbursed so there’s not a reason not to. In my area I have just Walgreens where the manager is uh…. “difficult” and won’t take them, so I just don’t use them there.


Michele December 11, 2014 at 7:41 pm

I just tried to use these coupons for !.00 off ponds and they cashier and manager said they wouldn’t take them because it has the target logo on it. I explained that it was a manufacturer coupon and it should work, but it wouldn’t scan, so they wouldn’t take it. Is there anything I can say so that they will take it? Perhaps a policy, so I am able to use them? Thanks!


kristie December 11, 2014 at 10:47 pm

I tried to use it today and they wouldn’t take it. I sent a complaint to Walgreens about it. It clearly says “MANUFACTURERS COUPON” on it. Maybe if we all complained they’ll do something about it.


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