Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Ambi Skin Care As Low As $2.36 (Reg. $6.49)!

by Christie- on November 23, 2014

ambi4Ambi Skin Care products are on sale thru 11/26 for 25% off. Selection varies by store, but I found these as low as $4.86 for the Fade Cream at my store. There were high value coupons in the Smartsource insert from October. Check to see if you got them! You can get the fade cream for just $2.36 which is over 60% off the regular price.

I live in Florida and the sun is relentless. I had a dermatologist recommend these to me for getting rid of those little freckles that appear from too much sun.

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/26)
Buy (2) Ambi Fade Cream, $4.86 Sale Price (Reg. $6.49)
(1) $5/2 Ambi Product excl. bar soap, (SS 10/19/14 R)
= $2.36 EACH!

If you’ve never used Ambi products and would like to try one first, you can just buy one to see if you like it.

Buy (1) Ambi Fade Cream, $4.86 Sale Price (Reg. $6.49)
(1) $2/1 Ambi Product excl bar soap, (SS 10/19/14 R)
Total = $2.86!

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