Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Turtles Coupon & Next Week’s Sale!

by Christie- on November 19, 2014

Demet's Turtle CouponWoo Hoo! We have a new Demet’s Turtle Coupon good on any one box of Holiday Turtles 4.67 oz or more! It prints with an expiration date of 12/19. Coupon Printing Tip: This coupon prints with a HUGE COLOR ad before it, so you’ll want to select another coupon. This huge ad lists the retailers where you can find the Holiday Turtles, and it includes Walgreens!

turtles adWalgreens has the Demet’s 6.4oz Turtles advertised at 2/$6 in the 11/23 and in the 11/27 ad. If the Holiday boxes have made it to your store, you can do this…

Walgreens Deals (Starting 11/23 thru 11/29)
Buy (2) Demet’s Holiday Turtles, 6.4oz, 2/$6 Sale Price
(2) $1.00 OFF any ONE (1) DeMet’s TURTLES Holiday package 4.7oz or larger including Original, Dark Almond, Cashew, and Sea Salt Caramel (68130)
Total = $4
= Just $2 EACH!

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