Walgreens Coupons & Deals

More New Coupons for Lipton Tea – As Low As $1.49 Next Week!

by Christie Bisbee on November 14, 2014

New Lipton Coupon -- $1.49 Each Next Week!Woo Hoo! We have a couple more NEW Lipton Tea coupons that just popped yesterday for next week’s sale. The Lipton 22- 100 ct boxes or 25.1oz will be $2.99. You’ll be able to grab them for as little as $1.49 per box. Plus, this coupon is super nice because it does not specify which kind of tea, so you can mix or match depending on what you and your family prefer. The tea products come with long expiration dates, so you’ll be able to grab a couple of boxes.

If you are a Keurig user, here’s a tip: I use these Lipton Tea bags in my Keurig. I find that two tea bags in the spot you normally put the k-cup in makes for a perfect cup. That’s just 3¢ instead of the usual 40¢ it would cost for a K-cup. 😉

Walgreens Deals (Starting 11/16)
Buy (2) Lipton Tea, 22-100ct, $2.99 Sale Price
(1)  $3.00 on any TWO (2) Lipton Tea products (Exc bottled Lipton Tea)
Total = $2.98 pr $1.49 per box!  

Buy (1) Lipton Tea, 22-100ct, $2.99 Sale Price
(1) $1.00 on any ONE (1) Lipton Tea product (Exc bottled Lipton Tea)
= Just $1.99!

Drugstore Savings Tip: Also a CVS Shopper? You can grab the 20-100ct boxes for just 75¢ each there next week. Check out my post HERE.

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