A brand new coupon just popped up for Dentek Dental Guards. The Professional fit Dental Guards are B1G1 free all month thru 11/1. If you or a loved one grind your teeth, this is a really nice deal.
The regular price is $24.99, so after the new coupon, you’ll pay just $11.25 each! That’s like saving over 55% on this item. I grind my teeth when I sleep so I know how hard it is to get a deal on these.
Walgreens Deals (thru 11/1)
Buy (2) Dentek Professional Fit Dental Guards, $24.99 B1G1 Free
(1) $2.50 off any DenTek Dental Guard (68130)
Total = $22.49
= Just $11.25 EACH!

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