Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Lipton Tea 100ct Just $1.99 or 2¢ a Bag!

by Christie Bisbee on October 22, 2014

lipton tea coupons

If you are a tea drinker you’ll want to grab this Lipton Black Tea coupon. Lipton tea will be on sale for $2.99 beginning 10/26. You’ll be able to grab the 100 ct tea bag carton for just $1.99, which comes to 2¢ per tea bag after Lipton Tea coupons!

I use these Lipton Tea bags in my Keurig. I find that two tea bags in the spot you normally put the k-cup in makes for a perfect cup. That’s just 4¢ instead of the usual 40¢ it would cost for a K-cup.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 10/26)
Buy (1) Lipton Tea, 100ct, $2.99 Sale Price
(1) $1.00 on any (1) Lipton Black Tea Bag carton
Total = Just $1.99!

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