Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Sparkle Paper Towel Coupon!

by Christie Bisbee on September 10, 2014

Sparkle Paper Towels CouponWe have a new coupon Sparkle Paper Towels coupon today. I feel like I can never have enough paper towels, I swear I don’t know how I go thru them so quickly!

Sparkle paper towels will be on sale next week for $2.99 for a 3pk so as low as $2.24 after the coupon if your store carries this variety. If your store doesn’t, it’s still a nice coupon and you should find some good deals with it at other stores.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 9/14)
Buy (1) Sparkle with a hint of color 3pk $2.99 (if included)
$.75 off (1) Sparkle with a hint of color, 2 roll or larger
Total = $2.24 Each!

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