Walgreens Coupons & Deals

St. Ives Scrubs Just $1.47 Each or 65% Off!

by Christie- on September 8, 2014

St. Ives_Panorama7-5Great News! The St. Ives Facial Scrubs are included in the points deal this week: buy two and get $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points). The products are B1G1 50% off.  Found these at my store for $4.29 but prices can vary slightly. If you buy 4, you’ll get $4 (4,000 Balance Reward Points). Then you’ll be able to use this Printable St. Ives coupon, and pay as little as $1.47 per scrub!

st ives recpt2-5w

I found Pink Lemon & Mandarin Orange for Even & Bright Skin, Apricot Scrub for Blemish Control, Apricot Scrub for Fresh Skin, Oatmeal Scrub for Nourished & Smooth Skin, and Green Tea Scrub for Blackead Clearing.

Walgreens Deals (thru 9/13)
Buy (4) St. Ives Facial Scrubs $4.29 B1G1 50% off
Total = $ 12.86
(1) $3 off $10+ on any St. Ives products (68130)
Total = $9.86, Get Back $4 (4,000 Balance Reward Points)
= as little as $1.47 EACH!

Or if you prefer the Gel Cleanser, this one is $7.49 B1G1 50% off…

Buy (2) St. Ives Gel Cleanser, $7.49 B1G1 50% off
Total = $11.23
(1) $3 off $10.00 or more on any St. Ives products (68130)
Total = $8.23, Get Back $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points)
= Just $3.12 EACH!

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