Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Febreze Allergen Reducer Fabric Refresher Just 99¢ each at Walgreens!

by Christie- on September 8, 2014

Febreze Allergen Reducer Fabric Refresher Just 99¢!Remember the Register Reward deal I posted on Febreze last week? I went to a different store and found the Febreze Allergen Reducer Fabric Refresher included. The regular price for this one is $4.19, but it is actually labeled $3.99 B1G1 50% off! Plus you can use this printable Febreze coupon. You won’t find the RR deal labeled, but it runs thru 9/14. Buy 2 or more Febreze Allergen Reducer Fabric Refresher or Air Effects and get $2 Register Reward.

The picture at right notes all the products that print the RR. Be careful to select the Febreze that reads Allergen Reducer. There is another can labeled Heavy Duty which is very similar but not a part of the RR deal!

Walgreens Deals (thru 9/14)

Buy (2) Febreze Fabric Refresher, $3.99
(2) $1.00 OFF ONE Febreze Fabric Refresher (Ets) (68130)
Total = $3.98, Get Back $2 RR
= $1.98 or 99¢ EACH!

Here is the other deal I posted last week:

Buy (2) Febreze Allergen Reducer Air Effects, $3.59 B1G1 50% off
Total = $5.38
(2) $1/1 Febreze Fabric Refresher or Air Effects, exp. 9/30/14 (P&G 08/31/14)
OR  75¢ OFF ONE Febreze Air Effects (Ets) (68130)
Total = as low as $3.38, Get Back $2 RR
= as low as 69¢ EACH!

febreze just 99 centsAlso, there is a new SavingStar Offer for $5 WYB $25 on participating PG products including Febreze. This deal may be made in multiple trips, so be sure to save your receipt. You’ll have until 10/31 to complete it (unless the offers are depleted).

SavingStar is now available at Walgreens! They have a new mobile app where you can redeem your offers by submitting your receipts. To get started, just go HERE and sign up for your FREE SavingStar account.

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