Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Fla-Vor-Ice Just 58¢ Each Thru Thursday!

by Christie- on July 30, 2014

Flavorice red7-5You can get a great deal on Fla-vor-ice thru Thursday! These are really nice treats for this hot weather. These are regularly priced at $1 each, plus there is an insert coupon for buy two and get 1 free. Plus we also have a Saving Star offer for 25¢. Put these all together and you’ll end up paying 58¢ for each box. All of the boxes at my store were specially marked boxes with a code inside. You’ll be able to create an account and download a free song with this code!

Walgreens Deals (thru 7/31)
Buy (3) Fla-Vor-Ice, $1 Reg. Price
Total = $3
(1) B2G1 Fla-Vor-Ice Items, exp. 7/31/14 (SS 05/18/14 R)
Total =$2, Get Back 25¢ SavingStar deposit
= $1.75 or 58¢ EACH BOX!

If you don’t have the B2G1 coupon or you can’t get to the store by Thursday, you can do this deal until the SavingStar offer expires on 8/20.

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/20)
Buy (1) Fla-Vor-Ice, $1 Reg. Price
Total =$1, Get Back 25¢ SavingStar deposit
= Just 75¢!

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