We have a couple of new coupons for Lindsay Olives that you’ll want to print! Lindsay olives are regularly on sale at Walgreens for about $1 so that would mean free or really cheap olives with these coupons. The regular price of Lindsay Olives in the store is 2/$3 so just 50¢ each even without a sale!
Plus they both printed with a 8/20 expiration date, so plenty of time to use them.
Walgreens Deals
Buy (2) Lindsay Olives 2/$3 Regular Price
(2) $1.00 on any one (1) Lindsay Olives (46901)
Total = just 50¢ Each!
Note: Both coupons printed with a huge ad on top of the coupon, so be sure to select a second coupon to go with each one to avoid this! Both these coupons are manufacturer’s coupons that can be used anywhere.

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just a reminder… if the olives are on sale for 99 cents we cannot use the $1/1 coupon per the new coupon policy