Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Bic Razors & Eos Lip — Just 96¢ each!

by Christie- on July 9, 2014

Check Out Scenario for Bic & Eos Lip -- Just 96¢!The Bic Points monthly deal includes other products: Eos, select kotex or U kotex. Here is an idea for Bic Razors and Eos lip. There is a 20% back on any 1 Eos Smooth Sphere Lip Balm from Shopmium

EOSWalgreens Deals (thru 7/26)
Buy (4) Bic Silky Touch, 10 ct, $3.79 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) EOS lip, 2/$6 Sale Price
Total = $17.36
(4) $2/1 Bic Disposable Razor, exp. 7/26/14 (SS 06/29/14)
Total = $9.36, Get Back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) + 60¢ from Shopmium for Eos
= Just 96¢ Each!

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