Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*Reset* Coupon for Simple B1G1 Deals This Week!

by Christie- on July 2, 2014

*Reset* Coupon for Simple B1G1 Free Sale This Week!The Simple Skincare is on sale B1G1 Free this week, plus this coupon just reset, $2.00 off any Simple Cleanser or Moisturizer (Ets) (68130). Remember Walgreens changed their coupon policy, but you can still use one coupon on this deal for every two products purchased. Plus, this deal qualifies for the Beauty & Personal Care Points. Just go HERE to make sure you are participating in this special event. After that, you’ll be signed up to receive these points on every qualifying transaction from now until 8/30/14.

I found my wipes starting at $5.99 and my facial cleansers at $7.29, but your price may differ slightly.

Walgreens Deals (thru 7/5)
Buy (2) Simple Skin Care Wipes, $5.99 B1G1 Free
(1)  $2.00 off any Simple Cleanser or Moisturizer (Ets) (68130)
Total = $3.99
Extra 250 Points for the Beauty & Personal Care Points
= $1.87 per package!

Buy (2) Simple Cleansers, $7.29 B1G1 Free
In-ad Coupon for Beauty & Personal Care Points p. 14
(1)  $2.00 off any Simple Cleanser or Moisturizer (Ets) (68130)
Total = $5.29, Get Back 350 Balance Reward Points
= $2.47 EACH!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Kimmie Shopper July 3, 2014 at 9:10 am

Why couldn’t you use (2) $2 coupons, has something changed where you can’t use one coupon per item any more?


Mel July 3, 2014 at 1:30 pm

Walgreens updated their coupon policy last month. You can no longer use a cents off coupon on an item made free by a bogo free sale.

9. For offers when multiple items are purchased and additional items are free (buy 1 get 1 free; buy 2 get 1 free, etc.), the number of coupons applied to that offer cannot exceed the number of items required in the “buy” portion of the offer.


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