Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Planters Coupon + Coupon Stack!

by Christie Bisbee on June 22, 2014

Planters Peanuts CouponWe have a new PLANTERS Nuts or Peanut Butter coupon to print this morning. This will really come in handy in July when we’ll have a Walgreens coupon to stack for these in the July book. Stack the Planters coupon with the Walgreens coupon and grab the Planters 16oz canisters for just $2 each the week of 6/29.

Plus this coupon printed with a nice 7/22 expiration date so plenty of time to use it and remember it’s good for Planters Peanut Butter too.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 6/29)
Buy (2) Planters Peanuts 16oz 2/$6
(1) $1.00 on (2) PLANTERS Nuts or Peanut Butter (6 oz+)
(1) $1.00 off (2) Planters Peanuts Walgreens July Book
Total = Just $2 Each

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