Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Now At Walgreens: Silk Almond Milk — $2 Each!

by Christie- on June 10, 2014

Silk Almond redThis weekend I found Silk half gallons now on the Walgreens refrigerated shelves! Plus, they are on sale thru 6/28 at $3.49 ea. or 2/$6. I found Original Silk and Vanilla Almond Milk. The label was there for the Pure Almond Unsweetened milk but my store was out.

Also, a new coupon popped up for the Almond varieties, $1.00 on any One (1) Silk Almond Half Gallon (68130). Be sure to print two coupons. You’ll have to buy two in order for the price to drop down, and you’ll pay only $2 per half gallon! I’m excited I’ll be able to grab more groceries at Walgreens now.

Walgreens Deals (thru 6/28)
Buy (2) Silk Almond Milk or Silk Pure Unsweetened Almond Milk, 64 oz, 2/$6 Sale Price
(2)  $1.00 on any One (1) Silk Almond Half Gallon (68130)
Total = Just $2 Each!

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