Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Colgate Optic White Coupons = FREE!

by Christie Bisbee on April 27, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-04-27 at 8.41.35 AMWe have a new $1.50 on any Colgate Optic White Platinum coupon available to print today. These will be on sale next week for $3.99 with a $2.50 Register Reward, making them FREE after the coupon!
If you are looking for similar coupons, why not also check Publix BOGO coupons.

The coupon is only good on the Colgate Optic White Platinum Toothpaste only which is 3.4oz. This size is listed as part of the deal, so I strongly suspect it will be included. Print your Colgate Optic White coupons now and be ready for FREE toothpaste next week. 🙂

Walgreens Deals (starting 5/4)
Buy (1) Colgate Optic White Platinum Toothpaste $3.99
$1.50 on any Colgate Optic White Platinum Toothpaste ONLY (3.4 oz.) (68130)
Total = $2.49, Get Back $2.50 Register Reward
= FREE! 

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