Oscar Mayer is on sale for 2/$5 this week. We have this coupon available to use with this sale, $1.00 on 2 packages of any OSCAR MAYER Deli Fresh lunch meat (68130).
However, if you’ve already picked up a couple of packages this week, you may want to print a couple more coupons (if you have another computer) that you can also use on the sale beginning on 5/4. They will be 2/$5 again then, but the printable coupon may be gone. If you use these regularly, it would be nice to be ready and grab some more in a couple of weeks. My coupon printed with an expiration date of 5/24.
Walgreens Deals (thru 4/26)
Buy (2) Oscar Mayer, 2/$5 Sale Price
(1) $1.00 on 2 packages of any OSCAR MAYER Deli Fresh lunch meat (68130)
Total = $5
= Just $2 EACH!
Walgreens Deals (Starting 5/4)
Buy (2) Oscar Mayer, 2/$5 Sale Price
(1) $1.00 on 2 packages of any OSCAR MAYER Deli Fresh lunch meat (68130)
Total = $5
= Just $2 EACH!

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