Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Save Over 60% on St. Ives Spray Lotion!

by Christie- on March 24, 2014

St Ives Spray5wThere is a monthly balance rewards points deal for the St. Ives Spray Lotion: buy 1 and get $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points). This week, however, they are also on sale B1G1 50% off to make them an even better deal. Plus, we have this coupon, $2.00 on any (1) St. Ives Fresh Hydration Lotion, Vaseline Spray & Go, or Men Spray (ets) (68130) or HERE that you can use too.

Keep this deal in mind if you’ve been meaning to try this lotion and you have Happy Cash to spend.

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/29)
(2) St. Ives Fresh Hydration Lotion, 6.5 oz, $7.99 B1G1 50% off
(2) $2.00 on any (1) St. Ives Fresh Hydration Lotion, Vaseline Spray & Go, or Men Spray (ets) (68130) or HERE
Total = $7.98, Get Back $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points)
= Just $2.99 EACH or over 60% off the Regular Price!

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