Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Starbucks Coupons Reset!

by Christie- on February 13, 2014

Starbucks k cups 7wI have some great news. The Starbucks Coupons that came out last week have reset! Starbucks k-cups and ground coffee are on sale thru Saturday for $6.99. I was really impressed with my store’s stock on this product. Not only did they have a lot of packages for the sale, but also they added a couple more varieties! If you made any points over the three day sale, now’s you’re chance to spend them on something really useful– coffee!

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/15)
(1) Starbucks K-Cups 10pk $6.99
(1) $1.50 off (1) Starbucks K-Cup Packs (zip 68130)
Total = $5.49 or 55¢ a K-Cup

Starbucks Ground6wWalgreens Deals (thru 2/15)
(2) Starbucks Ground Coffee 12oz $6.99
(2) $2.00 off (2) Starbucks Packaged Coffee products
Starbucks Refreshers2wTotal = $5.99 EACH

If you’re a fan of the Starbucks Refreshers, you have a bit more time to do this deal. These are actually sale priced thru 2/22 for $6.99!

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/22)
Buy (1) Starbucks Via Refreshers 12pk $6.99
(1) $1.00 off (1) Starbucks VIA product 4 ct. or larger
= Just $5.99

COUPON PRINTING TIP: The links above should take you straight to the coupons. If they don’t, change your zip code 68130 to  and come back to this post and the links should pull up the coupons for you.

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