Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Printable for Ester-C Tablets B1G1 Sale!

by Christie- on February 4, 2014

Ester C 3-5wA new high value Redplum coupon popped up Sunday for the sale this week on Ester-C tablets, $3.00 on ANY Ester-C® Tablet. If you take these to support your Immune System, the 500 mg 90 ct box is on sale buy one get one free. There was an insert version of this coupon this past weekend, so check your binders; however, if you didn’t get it, be sure to grab the printable soon. Redplum coupons don’t last very long!

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/8)
Buy (2) Ester-C 500 mg, 90 ct, $10.99
(2) $3.00 on ANY Ester-C® Tablet
Total = $4.99
= Just $2.49 EACH — or over 75% off the regular price!

Here’s another coupon:
$3/1 Ester-C Tablet, exp. 3/4/14 (RP 02/02/14)

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

trisha February 5, 2014 at 2:34 am

christie…please help im new to this. I noticed you said to use 2 coupons but when I read the fine print it said 1 coupon valid per transaction. So im confused on how to use the 2 coupons. Thank you


Christie February 5, 2014 at 10:18 am

I don’t have the coupon in front of me but does it say purchase or transaction? I seem to remember purchase, which if that’s the case if u buy (2) you are purchasing (2) and you are good. 🙂


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