The new Walgreens month is here and with it new monthly sales. The Extra gum is priced at 69¢ or 3/$2 thru 2/22. This printable is still available, $0.50 on ONE (1) 15-piece pack of Extra Gum (zip 68130). If you have enough computers for three coupons, it’s a better deal, but even if you just get one print, you only pay 19¢ for a 15 piece pack of gum!
Walgreens Deals (thru 2/22)
Buy (3) Extra, 15 pieces, 69¢ each or 3/$2
(3) $0.50 on ONE (1) 15-piece pack of Extra Gum (zip 68130)
Total = 50¢
Just 17¢ EACH!
Buy (1) Extra, 15 pieces, 69¢ each or 3/$2
(1) $0.50 on ONE (1) 15-piece pack of Extra Gum (zip 68130)
Total = Just 19¢
COUPON PRINTING TIP: THIS link above should take you straight to the coupon. If it doesn’t, change your zip code to 68130 and come back to THIS link and it should pull up the coupon for you.

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I don’t remember seeing this in the ad?
I’ll drop by my Walgreens to be sure if they have the sale, thanks!