Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Great Deals for Your Pet’s Next Week!

by Christie- on January 18, 2014

Iams65wIt’s Fluffy’s and Fido’s turn for a nice deal next week on pet food. Iams will be on sale for $5.49 or 2/$10, and we still have these high value printable coupons:

These coupons have been around for a while , and are under zip 30004, but a lot of coupons reset Monday evening, so check to see if you can print them because this deal is too good to pass up. Don’t forget to print two coupons (or more if you have several pets, of course) since you’ll have to buy at least 2 for the price to drop down to $5 each.

Walgreens Deals (starting 1/19)
Buy (2) Iam’s Dog Food, 1.8 lbs, 2/$10 Sale Price
(2) $2.00 OFF ONE Iams® Dry Dog Food (ETS) (zip 30004)
Total = $6 or $3 PER BAG!

Walgreens Deals (starting 1/19)
Buy (2) Iam’s Cat Food, 3 lbs, 2/$10 Sale Price
(2) $2.00 OFF ONE Iams® Dry Cat Food (ETS) (zip 30004)
Total = $6 or $3 PER BAG!

COUPON PRINTING TIP: The links above should take you straight to the coupons. If they don’t, change your zip code to 30004 and come back to this post and the links should pull up the coupons for you.

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