Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Emergen-C 10 pk Just $1.49 Each!

by Christie- on January 13, 2014

EmergenC7wIf you are looking to boost your immune system, the Emergen-C products are on sale buy one get one 50% off. The Vitamin C and Immune Varieties, 10 ct, are actually on sale for $3.99 all month, so they are $3.99 and $1.99 for the second one this week.To make this deal even better, we have an insert coupon from a while back and a new one this weekend. The Immune System Support is regularly priced at $6.99, so this is a super deal! Look for these 10 ct in the cold and flu aisle, not the vitamin section!

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/18)
Buy (1) Emergen-C Immune System Support with Vitamin D, 10ct, $3.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Emergen-C 1,000 MG Vitamin C, $3.99 B1G1 50% off
(2) $1.50/1 Emergen-C Drink Mix, exp. 1/31/14 (RP 12/08/13) 
Total = $2.98 or $1.49 EACH!

Here are some other coupons:
$1.50/1 Emergen-C Drink Mix, exp. 1/31/14 (RP 12/08/13) 
$1.50/1 Emergen-C Vitamin Supplement Drink Mix, exp. 2/28/14 (RP 01/12/14)

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JCC91 January 13, 2014 at 11:12 am

the 1.50 one 1 printable is NLA.. I noticed this sale last night and went to print this morning and can’t find it anywhere — guess I need to go get some inserts!


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