Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Charmin 6 pk as low as $2.41!

by Christie- on January 2, 2014

Bounty Charmin5w-Here are some paper deals for the PG offer: spend $20 and get $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points). Charmin is on sale for $3.49, and there is an insert coupon and this printable, 25¢/1 Charmin Ultra Soft 4ct or Larger (ets) (zip 10009). Since there are limitations on the coupons, you’ll need both the insert and the printable to do the all Charmin deal below.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/04)
Buy (3) Charmin Ultra Strong, 6 rolls, $3.49 Sale Price
Buy (3) Charmin Ultra Soft, 6 rolls, $3.49 Sale Price
Total = $20.94
(4) $0.25/1 Charmin Product, exp. 1/31/14 (P&G 12/29/13)
(2) 25¢/1 Charmin Ultra Soft 4ct or Larger (ets) (zip 10009)
Total = $19.44, Get Back $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points)
= $14.44 or $2.41 EACH

dawn-7wThe Bounty 6 pk is also included in this deal and on sale for $4.99. If you are just shy of reaching $20, you can throw in a Dawn for 99¢ for which we also have coupons.

Buy (4) Bounty Paper Towels, 6 rolls, $4.99 Sale Price
Buy (1) Dawn Olay Hand Renewal or Platinum Power Clean, 99¢ Sale Price
Total = $20.95
(4) $0.25/1 Bounty Towels or Napkins, exp. 1/31/14 (P&G 12/29/13)
OR 25¢ OFF ONE Bounty® Towels and Napkins (excludes trial/travel size)
(1) $0.50/1 Dawn Hand Renewal, Power Clean, Bleach Alternative or Oxi, exp. 1/31/14 (P&G 12/29/13)
OR 50¢ OFF ONE Dawn Hand Renewal, Power Clean, Bleach Alternative or Oxi (ETS) (zip 10009)
Total = $19.45, Get Back $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points)
= $14.45 or $3.61 EACH

COUPON PRINTING TIP:  The links above should take you straight to the coupons. If they don’t, change your zip code to 10009 and come back to this post and the links should pull up the coupons for you.

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