Here’s another useful household item you can add to your Jingle Cash transaction. The Jingle Cash coupons you received last week, must be used this week. The Windex Touch up is on sale 2/$7, plus get $1 (1,000 Balance Rewards) when you buy 2. You can use this printable coupon, SAVE $1.00 on any Windex® Touch-Up Cleaner product to get these for $2 each.
Walgreens Deals (thru 12/21)
Buy (2) Windex Touch up, 10 oz, 2/$7 Sale Price
(2) SAVE $1.00 on any Windex® Touch-Up Cleaner product
Total = $5, Get Back $1 (1,000 Balance Rewards)
= $4 or $2 EACH!

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