Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Listerine Printable for This Week

by Christie- on December 13, 2013

Listerine 5wRemember the post I wrote earlier about $1.99 for Listerine Refresh? A new coupon just appeared for the 1 Liter bottles of Adult Listerine SAVE $2.00 on any Adult LISTERINE® mouthwash (Valid on 1.0L or larger). These are on sale and you can get these for $1.99 as well this week. I found Listerine Freshburst and Listerine Zero at my store. The label for the Cool Mint was also there, but there was none in stock. Hopefully, you’ll have better luck at yours. There was a coupon for this item available to print last week, but this is a different coupon. Even if you printed that one, you can also print this one. If you are still trying to reach $30 to spend your Jingle Cash, or you are trying to earn more Jingle Cash, this is a great item to throw in your transaction.

Walgreens Deals (Today ONLY 12/13)
Buy (1) Listerine Freshburst, Zero, or Cool Mint, $3.99 Sale Price
(1) 15% OFF Friends and Family Coupon
(1) SAVE $2.00 on any Adult LISTERINE® mouthwash (Valid on 1.0L or larger)
Total = JUST $1.39!

Walgreens Deals (12/14)
Buy (1) Listerine Freshburst, Zero, or Cool Mint, $3.99 Sale Price
(1) SAVE $2.00 on any Adult LISTERINE® mouthwash (Valid on 1.0L or larger)
Total = $1.99

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