Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Barilla Pasta Just 75¢ with New Printable Coupon!

by Christie- on December 10, 2013

Barilla pasta -6-5wAnother great new coupon is just in time for this month’s sale on Barilla Pasta, SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) packages of BARILLA Blue Box Pasta. Both the spaguetti and the penne rigate are included in the 4/$5 sale thru 12/28. However, don’t wait to print the coupon since it may disappear without warning! Be sure to print two coupons. You must buy all 4 boxes in order for the price to drop down to $1.25 per box.

Walgreens Deals (thru 12/28)
Buy (2) Barilla spaguetti, 16 oz, 4/$5 Sale Price
Buy (2) Barilla penne rigate, 16 oz, 4/$5 Sale Price
Total = $5
(2) SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) packages of BARILLA Blue Box Pasta
Total = $3
= Just 75¢ EACH!

Walgreens doesn’t sell the Barilla Plus Pasta, but if you are a fan of this, there is also a coupon available to print that you may be able to use at your local grocer, $0.75 OFF On (One) 1 Barilla® PLUS® Pasta.

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