Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Great Deals on Reach & Kleenex Today

by Christie- on November 29, 2013

25 percentIn the Black Friday ad, there is a 25% off your purchase of regularly priced items good only 11/29! If there is anything regluarly priced that you have your eye on, be sure to use this and perhaps burn some of your points or register rewards and get it!

However, if you would like to keep rolling, here is an idea for you. The Kleenex Register Reward deal is good thru 12/1:

Buy 5 (50 ct+) Kleenex and get $1 RR
Buy 6 (50 ct+) Kleenex and get $1.50 RR
Buy 7 (50 ct+) Kleenex and get $2 RR

Plus there is also a Reach floss Register Reward deal good thru 12/1:

Buy 2 Reach floss and get $1 RR
Buy 3 Reach floss and get $2 RR
Buy 4+ Reach floss and get $3 RR

Reach5wWalgreens Deals (11/29 only)
Buy (6) Kleenex Tissues, 85 ct, $1.39 Reg. Price
Buy (4) Reach Cleanburst Floss, 55 yds, $1.99 Reg. Price
Total = $16.30
25% off In-ad Coupon [-$4.07]
(2) 75¢ off (3) boxes (50 ct+) OR (1) Bundle of Kleenex® 
(2) Save $1.00 off any two(2) REACH® Floss products
Total = $8.73, Get Back $1.50 RR Kleenex and $3 RR Reach
=$4.23 or 42¢ per item!

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