Walgreens Coupons & Deals

*HOT* Trix & Chex Mix 50¢ Each Today!

by Christie Bisbee on October 26, 2013

General Mills Cereals at WalgreensWOO HOO! You can get select General Mills cereals, 10.7 to 13 oz, for as low as 50¢ EACH! will be on sale for just $1.75 each. I just got back from my store and was super psyched about the deals I grabbed! Lucky Charms, Trix and Cinnamon Toast Crunch all rang up the sale price for me of $1.75 from next weeks ad. Combine that with a manufacture’s coupon and the $1/2 General Mills Cereal Coupon in the Walgreens October book that’s still valid today and you can grab these for as low as 50¢!

Gm ivc50Walgreens Deals (Saturday 10/26 ONLY)
Buy (2) Trix Cereals $1.75 Sale Price
Total = $3.50
(1) $1/2 General Mills Cereal, 8.9 – 16.2oz (5048), October Book
(2) SAVE 75¢ off ONE BOX Trix® cereal
Total = 50¢ each!

Buy (1) Trix Cereals $1.75 Sale Price
Buy (1) Cinnamon Toast Crunch, $1.75 Sale Price
Total = $3.50
(1) $1/2 General Mills Cereal, 8.9 to 16.2 oz (5048), October Book
(1) SAVE 75¢ off ONE BOX Trix® cereal
SAVE 50¢ off ONE BOX Cinnamon Toast Crunch® cereal

Total = 63¢ each!

Buy (1) Lucky Charms, 11.5 oz, $1.75 Sale Price
Buy (1) Cinnamon Toast Crunch, $1.75 Sale Price
Total = $3.50
(1) $1/2 General Mills Cereal, 8.9 to 16.2 oz (5048), October Book
(1) SAVE 50¢ when you buy ONE BOX Lucky Charms® cereal
SAVE 50¢ off ONE BOX Cinnamon Toast Crunch® cereal
Total = 75¢ each!

Chex MixAnother awesome Double Dip today are the Chex Mix. These are on sale this week 2/$3, plus they are on sale in next weeks ad for B1G1 FREE. Both deals are overlapping so they are ringing up for just $1.50 when you buy 2. I was also excited to see that Muddy Buddies are included too! I LOVE those. 🙂

Walgreens Deals (Saturday 10/26 ONLY)
Buy (2) Chex Mix 5.5 to 8.75 2/$3 B1G1 FREE
Total = $1.50
$0.50/2 Chex Mix(SS 09/29/13) (SS 10/27/13)
Total = 50¢ EACH!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Pam October 26, 2013 at 12:54 pm

omg….it incudes Muddy Buddies??
I am out the door!


Losingitagain October 26, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Do you know if Cheerios or Total is included in the $1.75 sale price?


Katie October 26, 2013 at 9:16 pm

Cheerios is not. Not sure about Total.


Ruru October 26, 2013 at 6:57 pm

Loved thanks I just get some chex mix for ..25€


Candice October 26, 2013 at 7:55 pm

I went out and got my haul. Thanks for putting this up. I did notice you shouldn’t buy any item that was a register reward. The prices change but the system won’t allow you to receive any register rewards before Sunday,


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