Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Jack’s Pizza as low as $1.58!

by Christie- on September 19, 2013

 Jacks Pizzaclippedx

Make room in your freezer for this really economical and convenient meal. Jack’s pizza is on sale this week 3/$10, plus there is an IVC in the September Savings Book. There was a coupon in the September 8 Redplum for either $1/3 or $0.75/1, so depending on which coupon your area got, you can get it for as low as $1.58 each!

I was really happy to see this much stock at one of my Walgreens. I went to another store with more than this in stock, but they didn’t have the tag on the shelf, so I didn’t take a picture of those!

Walgreens Deals (thru 09/21)
Buy (3) Jack’s Pizza, 12 in, 3/$10 Sale Price
$3/3 Nestle Fun Size Candy, 11 to 12.5 oz., Edy’s or Dreyer’s Ice Cream, 48 oz or Jack’s Pizza, 12 in. (5819), September Savings Book.
(3) $0.75/1 Jacks Pizza, exp. 10/8/13 (RP 09/08/13)
OR (1) $1/3 Jacks Pizza, exp. 10/8/13 (RP 09/08/13 R)
Total = $4.75 or $6
= $1.58 or $2 each!

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