Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Save Money on Contact Lenses at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on August 17, 2013

ContactsDo you need new lenses?  Walgreens.com always has terrific deals on contact lens orders.  Just head on over HERE to check it out.  These are the current promotional codes that will get you 20% off all contact lens orders plus free shipping when you enter them at checkout :  SEASONS20, CONTACTLENS20, and WAG13.

Your orders should arrive 4 days after verification with your doctor, which typically takes 1-3 days.

The great part is they have a contact lens rebate center at the above link where you can find out if your particular brand of contacts has any current rebate promotion.  Depending on the offer, you may be directed to the manufacturer’s website to submit your rebate online or to download the form and submit via US mail.  Plus they list convenient phone numbers if you have questions regarding a rebate.

Walgreens.com discount codes are sometimes valid only once per account, so if you’re a regular customer, be sure to check here first before you’re ready to place your next order!  You may find a different code that you can use on your account.

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