Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Tampax and Always Deals at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on August 14, 2013

TampaxTampax Pearl, Tampax Radiant, Always Infinity, and Always Radiant Infinity are included in the Buy One Get One 50% off sale this week.  Those $2 coupons from the PG Insert will get you some great deals on these more expensive PG feminine protection products.  The Always Infinity actually comes out cheaper than the regular Always!  If you get the Radiant products, be sure to look for boxes specially marked with coupons inside.

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/17)
Buy (2) Tampax Pearl or Tampax Radiant Tampons, 14-18 ct, $5.49 BOGO 50%, Sale Price
(2) $2/1 Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampon or Pearl Liner, exp. 8/31/13 (P&G 07/28/13)
Total = $4.23
= $2.12 each!

Buy (2) Always Infinity, 14-18 ct, $4.99 BOGO 50% Sale Price
(2) $2/1 Always Infinity Pad, Radiant Pad or Radiant Pantiliner, exp. 8/31/13 (P&G 07/28/13)
Total = $3.48
= $1.74 each!

Buy (2) Always Radiant, 12-16 ct, $5.49 BOGO 50%, Sale Price
(2) $2/1 Always Infinity Pad, Radiant Pad or Radiant Pantiliner, exp. 8/31/13 (P&G 07/28/13)
Total = $4.23
= $2.12 each!

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