Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Monthly Walgreens Balance Rewards Deals

by Christie Bisbee on July 9, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 12.21.42 PMHere are some additional monthly Balance Rewards points deals available at Walgreens this month. These are valid thru 7/27. Some of these can also make good fillers like the Tic Tacs or the Carmex. Your best bet for Carmex would be to buy (6) so you can get the 5/$5 price on all of them and also get 2,000 points. If you spot additional deals let us know! 🙂

Buy 2 participating Twizzlers and get .50¢ (500 pts.)

Buy 2 participating Coke Products and get .50¢ (500 pts.), 20 oz, including Sprite, Sprite Zero, Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Minute Maid, $1.79 each or 2/$3

Buy 2 participating Tic Tac Singles and get .25¢ (250 pts.) 99¢ Sale Price

Buy 2 participating Vita Coco Products and get .50¢ (500 pts.), 2/$4 Sale Price

Buy 3 participating Carmex Products and get $1 (1,000 pts), $1.29 ea. or 5/$5, Sale Price

Buy 1 participating Pure Life Product and get $10 (10,000 pts), $19.99 Sale Price
$3/1 PureLife Naturals Product, exp. 10/31/13 (SS 06/09/13 R)
$3/1 Purelife Naturals, exp. 2/28/14 (Walgreens Answers, Heart Health)

Buy 1 participating Ocusoft Baby Product and get .50¢ (500 pts.), $9.99 Sale Price
$3/1 Ocusoft Baby peelie or HERE

Buy 1 Hyland’s teething tablets, 250 ct, and get .50¢ (500 pts.) $9.99 Sale Price

Buy 1 participating Tecnu product and get .50¢ (500 pts.), $9.99 Sale Price
$2/1 Tecnu First Aid Gel printable
$2/1 Tecnu Product printable

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Sherry July 9, 2013 at 11:21 am

Hello everyone there are also coupons in the Cold and Flu booklets for $1 off the carmex!!!!!


jean July 9, 2013 at 1:59 pm

At our Walgreens big bags of Skittles are 1.39 in clearance rake in the aisle. In the Walgreens booklet there is a $1.00 off two bags. I also had three or four manufacturing coupons (some from Coupons.com, others were printed from circular lately.) for $1.00 off two bags. So FREE….beware the machines max out, so ask the clerks to adjust down the coupon as always, and fight for your crazy couponer rights!!!

Also, Willy Wonka sweatheart straws where 1.39 each and I had coupons for $1.00 of one from coupons.com. So almost Free!!


jean July 9, 2013 at 1:59 pm

Rack not rake!! oops…


sharell July 9, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Last night I got big bags of starbursts (reds) on clearance for .85 each, big bag of skittles for .85 and a big bag of hot tamales candy for .75! was so excited! they also had grapevines for .82 for a big bag.


sharell July 9, 2013 at 3:30 pm

just realized I could have used printable coupons and the coupon in the book! ARRRRRR! lol oh well, I just went back and got a few more., they were almost gone from last night!


ozi July 9, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Enfagrow is 4.99 on sale and u get 500 points on one. Lots of coupons out there and checks to make it free.


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