Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Coupons: $2/$10 & $5/$20

by Christie Bisbee on June 26, 2013

walgreens couponsCheckout some of the awesome coupons people are getting when they shop today! Not only are they getting the awesome Friends & Family discount today, but many shoppers are getting $2/$10 and $5/$20 coupons to use thru June 28th!

Let us know if you get these too! 🙂

{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }

Trish June 26, 2013 at 6:34 pm

I got the $2 off $10!


Mayla June 26, 2013 at 6:37 pm

I received a $5/$20 in Dallas, Tx


Marcia June 26, 2013 at 6:45 pm

I got both!!


Sue June 26, 2013 at 7:00 pm

I have a question about the $2 off of $10 good for tomorrow and Friday. Is this the way it is supposed to work? You go in and buy your items, give them your coupons and then your total is still above $10, then give them the $2 off $10 and then you can pay the rest down with RR. Thank you for any advice


Carole June 26, 2013 at 8:05 pm

No, it’s different….
As long as your original total is above $10 it will still come off at the end after wags and man cpns. The expiration date on the RR’s and $2/$10 cpn should be looked at. Whichever expires earlier is what I use first. This is how it works for me at the stores I shop at. It maybe different at other stores. As always a difficult cashier can make what should be an easy transaction way too hard. It happened to me today…my first transaction was a complete nightmare!! Held up the line because the cashier couldn’t figure out how to take itmes off because she wouldn’t take cpns that beeped. My normal cashier came in while I was checking out and she did the rest of the transactions and I didn’t have a problem. As a matter of fact it took her the same amount of time to do 4 transactions as it did the other cashier for 1. And that was with us catching up because we hadn’t seen each other in a few days….LOL!!


Carole June 26, 2013 at 8:13 pm

Sorry above so windy, I just realized that Friday is the 28th…..too much going on. Anyway it works at the end as long as your original balance was $10 or more. I used 3 of them today and they scanned fine.


sharell June 26, 2013 at 8:41 pm

You actually used the $2 off $10 today, the same day you got them? When I tried to use mine, it beeped and said it wasn’t in the system. The manager said I had to wait until tomorrow to use it.


Carole June 26, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Yeah, I used 3, 2 in one transaction.


sharell June 26, 2013 at 11:16 pm

You shouldn’t have been able to use 2 in one transaction, it specifically says so on the RR.


Kat June 27, 2013 at 1:35 am

You shouldn’t have been able to use them at all yet they specifically say the 27th and 28th and limit one per transaction


Jackie June 26, 2013 at 7:02 pm

I didn’t get one @ my Walgreens. In fact, the few employees there didn’t even know about this sale event! SMH


laureen June 27, 2013 at 4:55 am

They are random. They don’t tell us when they do it. But they printed all day at my store for EVERY transaction. So maybe the catalina machine was broken. Usually it seems to me to go on for two days duo try again today.


Veeem June 26, 2013 at 7:24 pm

Got one of each today.


shelly June 26, 2013 at 7:49 pm

I got the $2 off $10. I spent $12, but saved $42, so I am not sure where the price break is.


Carole June 26, 2013 at 7:51 pm

I did 5 transactions today and got a $2/$10 everytime. It was a nice surprise. I was planning on using BR points to pay my totals. I pd $4.80 opp for $118.56 worth of items. Some were just because they were a GREAT deal, others were things we really needed. I got 8 pks of Oscar Mayer sandwich meat, 2 pks of Angel Soft tp, 2L bottles of soda that I need for July 4th:), orbit gum and some M & M’s. Almost forgot the Hallmark cards. I got 10,000 pts from them, I had planned on using some of them but because of the $2/$10 cpns I only needed to use $3 them! I still have 2 $2/$10 cpns to use!!!! I got a peak at the flier for next week and there a few of really good deals. Waiting to see the new Wags cpn book to add to the flier deals,it changes on Sun.


Veeem June 26, 2013 at 8:17 pm

$4.80 for $118.56!! That is awesome. I hope to be able to pull something like that off one day….still learning but enjoy being inspired by all the pros here.


Ann June 26, 2013 at 8:27 pm

About the Hallmark cards, did you use 1 Hallmark coupon per transaction or were you able to use more than 1? The coupon says limit 1 coupon per customer so I was just wondering because I printed 2 coupons and wanted to know if I can use both in the same transaction. Thanks.


Carole June 26, 2013 at 8:47 pm

Veem – I have been this for 2 yrs and I have finally gotten to the point that I don’t make as many mistakes…I still make them…LOL I use multiple sources for help daily. You’ll catch on more and more every month.

Ann- I didn’t have any problem using 5 in 1 transaction….it never set off a beep. Hallmark puts that cpn out every so often and a couple of times it has fallen in place with a deal at Wags. I have always used more then 1 in a transaction. It has never beeped as bad. Ironically enough I have also used more then 1 at the Hallmark store and did not have a problem. I try to be careful about that kind of wording. I must have missed it a long time ago…they have always been the sam eexcept fot the expiration date. Good luck:)!!


Heidi June 26, 2013 at 8:51 pm

I bought 18 cards and used 6 coupons and got back 12,000 points all in one transaction. But it depends on the cashier, too. Mine was a young guy, so he just scan the coupons. Sometimes I would run into cashiers who read every single detail on the coupons and make it more difficult for couponers, holding up line and such.


grace June 26, 2013 at 10:26 pm

the hallmark coupon beeped for everybody in my store, the cashier said she was having problems with it but she was nice and entered it


katherine June 26, 2013 at 11:24 pm

my hallmark coupons did not brep the fourtimes i used it today. make sure they scan the “other retailers” side and not the “hallmark” barcode. hope that helps you others.


Kat June 27, 2013 at 3:02 am

Yeah, I got into a full on argument with the cashier over the coupon being a hallmark only coupon, she tried to give the coupon back, and I was like “read the coupon” “well I did it says hallmark, you can’t use it here you can only use it at hallmark” “…ma’am… the coupon has step by step instructions for ‘other retailers’ just scan the other side” she refused to and that’s when I tapped out and was like no, this isn’t going to work you are going to cancel the transaction and I will happily wait at another register until your manager comes out. She then told me she can’t cancel the transaction and she had to go through with it without coupons… then I told her to call the manager up and to stop arguing with me.


Wendy June 26, 2013 at 11:35 pm

I received the $2/$10 coupon today…. Loved the sale today! One of my favorite deals was on the 24pk of Nice! water for only $1.60 (plus CRV). Took advantage of the great prices on the chocolate chips, lunch meat, paper towels, chex mix and 2 liters of soda too. Thanks for the match ups on the friends and family sale Christie, it really helped me a lot!


Ginger June 27, 2013 at 12:33 am

I went in just to buy the 2/$5 deli fresh meat, used the Q, and used $3 in RR from a couple days ago. I paid $0.32 OOP and it gave me the $5 off $20 coupon. I had a little trouble with the cashier. The friends and family Q wouldn’t scan and she said she’d never even heard of that event. Lol seriously??? You work there! I asked her if there were many people that used coupons around here (I’m new to the area) and she said people rarely ever use them. Good for me, no one to clear the shelves before I get there, but bad because they’re gonna think I’m counterfeiting coupons when I show up with 40 Q’s to get totally free stuff next week. :/


Melissa Hoagund June 27, 2013 at 1:36 am

I spent $12.87 (that’s including tax) and saved $15.55. I didn’t get any $/$$. My cashier was a little frazzled b/c there was a line.. I did get 4000 RR. I was hoping to do better, but this was my first walgreens couponing trip. I usually to to CVS. But I got a few things I needed so it was a good trip over all.


Kat June 27, 2013 at 2:01 am

I made 5 transactions today,
Trans 1 was 69.86 before coupons, .76 after, that prompted the 2/10 coupon.
Trans 2 was 9.18 before coupons, 1.76 after, that prompted the 5/20 coupon.
Trans 3 was 14.97 before coupons, .71 after, that prompted the 5/20 coupon.
Trans 4 was 169.43 before coupons, 1.63 after, that prompted the 2/10 coupon.
Trans 5 was 10.96 before coupons, .30 after, that prompted the 5/20 coupon.
So either it’s random or the lower before coupon totals prompted the 5/20 coupon and the higher totals prompted the 2/10 coupon. Overall today was an amazing day of couponing.


Joann June 27, 2013 at 3:28 am

I went crazy at Walgreens today. Bought so many Hallmark Cards with the facebook coupon and 15% off… such a good money maker…… I got $5 off mostly in my transaction, there was a rare occasion I got $2 OFF $10.


Debra June 27, 2013 at 5:12 am

I paid $6.18 for $59.36 worth of stuff….got $6 in RR….12000 points…..five $5 off $20 coupons and …..one $2 off $10 coupon. Cashier told me when I come back tomorrow to give the cashier the $5/$20 coupon first before my manufacturer coupons and RR. I’m just hoping I can use some points to pay with tomorrow but I’m not sure how to do that yet. Hopefully the cashier will help explain the process to me! Do I just tell the cashier how many points I want to use?

Oh and I had to use the hallmark coupon in separate transactions and my 15% off coupon wouldn’t scan but the manager scanned an enlarged coupon each time i gave her mine and that worked fine.


Chels June 27, 2013 at 2:06 pm

At the end of your transaction when you’re done scanning coupons and am ready to pay, just let your cashier know that you want to redeem points. They’ll hit a button and on the little credit card display thing, it’ll pop up the points you can redeem (you may only redeem certain amount of points based on your total). If your total is under $5, you may use 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, or 5,000 points. You may only apply points once in a transaction, I believe, so just choose the one that would work best for you. If you’re at $2.44 before tax, just use 2,000points, etc. If your total is over $5, you have the choice of either using 5,000, 10,000, and so on. Over $5, there is only a certain amount of points you can redeem–never redeem more than your total or you will lose all points. If your total is $8 and you redeem 10,000 ($10), you will lose all 10,000, not just 8,000. Hope that made sense and good luck!


Debra June 27, 2013 at 4:25 pm

Chels, thank you thank you! Yes, that made perfect sense and now I thi k I’m ready to go try it out! Whoop whoop 🙂


Margie June 27, 2013 at 7:42 am

Had 2 transactions yesterday. Did receive $2 off $10 after both transactions. Picked up over $200 of product for less than $10 using points in one transaction, RR in the other. Great day of shopping at Walgreens.


Misty June 27, 2013 at 11:50 am

Hi, I shopped at Walgreens yesterday, and did a transaction where total before coupons was $44 and afterward $11 which seemed more to me. When I checked my receipt I found that the cashier did not scan the 2 $3 coupons for pure life and also the in-ad coupon for hunts ( I bought 5).
I wonder what can I do now? It’s a matter of $8 only, but offsets my rush to make it to walgreensto take advantage of the FF event.


Chels June 27, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Take your receipt back ASAP and explain the situation. If your cashier took your q’s already, hopefully they’ll still be in the drawer. They can give you the price adjustment for the hunt’s by just scanning your receipt and then the in-ad coupon and then giving you back the difference (has had this happen to me multiple times). $8 is a lot of money!! Go get it, girl!! Good luck!


Misty June 27, 2013 at 8:37 pm

Thank you very much for the reply. I guess it’s already late as 24 hours passed. I will try to go tomorrow. I used to think, once I left the counter, nothing can be done. I will try tomorrow morning. Thanks again.


Pam June 27, 2013 at 2:10 pm

The lady in front of me got a $5 coupon and wadded it up and stuffed it in her purse. I did not get one I was so sad 🙁


Kat June 27, 2013 at 2:24 pm

If there were some sort of instant mail I would give you mine… I am not going to use them 🙁 I can’t figure out anything I need, I bought all of the good sales yesterday.


Peggy June 27, 2013 at 7:12 pm

I went to my Walgreen today to use my $2 off $10, luckily my Walgreen has California Kitchen 12″ Pizza on clearance for $3.49, so I got 3, the total came out to $10.47, I used my $2 off $10 and 3 $1.25 off MQ, makes total down to $4.72, I used my Reward Points redeemed 3000 points, final OOP is $1.72, and I also received a $2 RR back. 🙂


Bri June 28, 2013 at 5:28 am

Hi guys, i am very curious as how to redeem the points. I went to walgreens today and bought soda, water and the hallmark cards for every transactions i got a 5off 20 and i got a total of 2000 RR points…, how do you pay with points???


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